Y'all, it has been so very long since I've blogged- almost a year! I've never been good at the blogging thing but there are some things that I want to record, mostly from Andrew and for Andrew, since he is growing and changing so, so quickly.
There's no way I can go back over the past year and upload picture (see Facebook!) but below are some from the recent weeks and months. I'll have to do a post on his second birthday but I'll work on that.
This is his new Adidas track suit. My boss says he only needs a gold chain to complete the look :) I love it. Adidas, if you need a baby model, I've got one that would be good!
Gosh, so weird to say that he's two now! He is talking more and more, most of which we don't understand but we can usually pick out a few things throughout.
He's so funny - his thing in the mornings is that while we are on our way to school, he'll yawn and say "my tired". He's sleeping until around 7:15 every morning when I have to wake him up but he's pretty much always in a good mood once he's up.
We have toast and a banana in the car on the way to school and he just chatters away, usually picking out school buses on the road. He loves the song "The Wheels on the Bus..." so we sing that pretty much daily. He also no longer has his paci in the car. Unfortunately, he does still get it in the evenings and at bed time. At some point, we'll cut back to just bed time but we just aren't pushing it right now.
This was during the playoffs - had to sport our Niners gear! Andrew has been so into sports lately. Any sports: golf, baseball, football, soccer, basketball. We go out and watch our tennis team pretty much every weekend and he likes that too. I think his favorite right now is baseball. He watches Curious George and there is a baseball episode. That's how he learned to swing the bat. We bought him a tee a couple weeks ago to hit the ball off of.
We went to the zoo over MLK weekend and it was great! We like the SA zoo and that day had very low crowds. Drewbs is at the age where he really liked looking at the animals and could tell me what sounds they make. The last time we took him, he wasn't too interested. It was a bummer that the petting zoo was closed but I'm sure we'll make it back out this summer.

Texas State baseball game. He's really good at sporting events. Since he's much more independent, he moves around more than he did last year but he's usually still paying attention to the game. We had an incident with Boko last week at the basketball game. Boko came out of nowhere and it scared Andrew so bad. Boko wasn't even over where we were sitting, just in the aisle next to us. And Andrew screamed bloody murder and was shaking and so scared. I couldn't quit laughing. He was terrified and I feel bad about that but he also got everyone's attention. I'm sure they thought I was beating him. He had Boko nightmares that night and slept with us but has been fine since. I don't know that we'll get him back in the gym for more games anytime soon though.

First spring outfit. My mom got this outfit for him and Brian's mom got the Sperry's. He couldn't be any more preppy but I love it! I love plaid shorts. He's in to sunglasses and hats so now he has both. My mom brought him those sunglasses and I bought him a hat last weekend.
I also bought him that Cars table at a flea market. He loves it. It's short to the ground but perfect for when he wants to have a picnic in the living room (mostly just on Friday nights). He loves to pull his table out.
He is a pretty good eater still. He'll at least try most things. And then tell me "I no like it" when he doesn't want more. He's tried fish, loves broccoli and asparagus and lettuce and loves cheese the most! I still fix his lunches for school everyday and aim to make them healthy and fun. Right now, he is loving raisins (which both Brian and I hate) so that's what he has for snacks at the house. He's still a hot dog eater and won't eat much other meats. So we do lots of fruit and veggies and I try to get protein in there as well somehow.
This was from yesterday before we left for school. He just looked like such a big boy in his little jeans and Vans shoes. I could eat him up. And his shirt exactly describes him: all sports, all the time.
He is so, so much fun. I say that at every stage but it's always true. We had some adjustments going into the terrible twos with discipline and tantrums but, for now, those have somewhat subsided. He still sits in timeout every so often but the fits and stuff don't happen much. I think it's because he has really started communicating now that he doesn't use his paci all the time. He can tell us what he wants (or doesn't want) and that prevents any meltdowns.
He gets to watch "monkey" (Curious George) at night after his bath so he will get up in our bed and ask for the ipad. He probably knows how to work that thing better than most adults. He also loves to FaceTime his grandparents. I love that both sets live close and he knows them when we facetime or when they visit. My sister also makes it down and we facetime her as well. He loves his Ali and Desi.
He has done so good with the transition to the two-year old room (they are the tadpoles). He's been in there since January and there are no more clinging/fussy/crying days when I drop him off. He loves to pick out his center and put his name on it - he always picks the truck center. He gives me a kiss and runs off to play. This morning, I was heading out the door and told the teacher to have a good day. Andrew leaned over to see out of his center and yelled across the room "have good day!". It pretty much melted my heart. I said "you too buddy!", blew him a kiss and left. He'll be excited when I pick him up but he always loves being at school too. That makes my heart happy.
We are ready for warm weather and longer days so we can play outside and eventually get to the neighborhood pool. Brian says he's going to teach Andrew how to swim this summer. We'll see how far that goes :) We have just been so, so blessed by this little boy in the two short years that he has been here and we try to enjoy and appreciate every minute of it.
I'm hoping to keep up with the blog, not necessarily every day but maybe weekly. I just want to document those little things with Andrew that I won't remember two years from now. I hardly even remember that tiny toddler from the last post and that was not even a year ago! He's at such a sweet age and learning so much. He amazes us every day!!