I brought out my pan and a wooden spoon and it was the best thing ever! :) He knew exactly what to do. He started drumming away. I actually got this out because he was starting to bang toys in the tub and I thought he would have fun with this. The pan in the picture makes a really loud, high-pitched noise so we traded it out for a plastic container. It was much better on all of our ears.
Please see napping Brian in the background :)
This little booger has started sitting up, eating solids, cut two teeth and started scooting all within about a three week period. He is just growing too fast. At his doctor's appointment, they said to expect crawling before 9 months. I know these milestones but it hit me that we were close to that!
I love, love, love watching him learn new things. And he is so much fun right now. He is all boy and cannot sit still. He loves to crawl on you and "ba,ba,ba,ba" all day long.
He just cracks me up. He blows zerberts on my legs when I'm in the floor playing with him. That is our favorite thing to do, get on the floor and just play.
He always wants to be where we are so he's usually hanging out in the kitchen or on my hip while I'm making bottles.
We had a few rough nights last week because of his teeth. As you can see from these pictures, he is chewing on everything, mostly his fingers. His teeth were really bothering him but seem to be better.
Love his facial expressions! We got his 6 month pictures done with JCP again and they turned out great. Even better is that I only spent $14 on them. For studio pictures, JCP really does a great job. They have been perfect for Andrew's milestone birthdays.