Saturday, May 18, 2013

18 months old!

Drewbs turned 18 months old on Friday and we couldn't be having more fun with him!

Some things he is up to lately:
He can say 'hi' & 'bye' and waves.
He now calls me and Brian 'momma' and 'dadda'
He takes one 2 hour nap in the afternoon
He's in the monkey room at daycare (and we are still loving it!)
He says 'nigh nigh' when it's time for bed and knows to give us kisses
We found out today that if we start counting with 1, he will say 'two...'
He loves the kiddie pool in our neighborhood...we will spend many days there this summer
He is so into mimicking anything we say, do or sounds that are made
He mimicks Brian in the morning when he puts gel in his hair; he liks to tell the dogs 'no no no'
He loves to take pics with my phone because he can see himself in the phone...such a ham.

He is absolutely so much fun! Brian and I both can't wait until the end of the day to pick him up and see him :)

He has got such a big personality and reallu is very smart. I don't want to rush time any faster than it is already going but it will be fun when he starts talking...I think he will have many things to tell us all.

This sweet boy was baptized too last week and I thank God for every day that we have with him. He is such a blessing to us!

Andrew's Baptism

We had Andrew baptized last weekend, on Mother's Day. Brian and I also joined the church. It was such a great weekend. We had been talking about joining the church lately and I knew I wanted Andrew baptized at some point. A few weeks ago, we got an email from our Pastor that she had gotten a new assignment at a different church. 
 (Group picture after church)

We were so bummed about the new assignment. As much as I am used to that growing up in the Methodist church, I have never liked it. We started attending this church last October and have just truly enjoyed it. 

(Pastor Barbara & Andrew)

We love having a female pastor and she just provides really great messages every Sunday. We are going to miss her so much but when we got that email, I knew we wanted to join and have Andrew baptized before she left. 

(Oh, this crazy boy thought he would just take care of this baptizing thing himself - it was hilarious!)

So anyway, we picked Mother's Day to do all of this and both of our parents were able to be there. It was such a special, special day. 

(Love our little family)

It was really a great weekend. We had beautiful weather and just were able to hang out and relax all weekend. 

(great pic with all the grandparents)

We are so blessed to be a part of this church and I hope we can get more involved. I am excited for Andrew to have a church to grow up in just like I did. The people at Eylau UMC still hold such a special place with me.