I've been MIA for the past few days, I know. The first day of fall was on Tuesday and with that, came sickness....crud...yuckiness. Brian was sick over the weekend with a cold and of course, Monday night, I started feeling crummy. I left work Tuesday, had fever that night and stayed home on Wednesday. I am feeling much better now but I am getting a residual cough.
Also, with the start of fall came our big comforter :) During the summer and usually most of the fall, we sleep with just a light blanket on our bed. I am so hot-natured that anything more makes me sweat all night. But since it has been unusually cool here in Texas, I broke out our comforter last night. I love it :) However, it's supposed to get back to the 90s this weekend so the comforter may have a short life.
Not much has happened in the past few days since I've been sick...a lot of laying around. Brian and I did go to Taste of China and the volleyball game last night. I broke down and offered ToC for dinner to Brian and of course, he accepted. I am not a huge fan of chinese buffets...they kind of disgust me. But I actually enjoyed my food last night and had good conversation with my husband. :)
The season premiere of Grey's Anatomy came on last night. I haven't watched it yet because I'm just not ready. I've watched the finale twice already and I'm not ready to say good-bye to George. The show is changing so much and again, I'm just not ready for it to happen yet. So, with the magic of DVR, I can hold out for a little while longer.

I did, though, watch 'Marly & Me'. It was our next movie on Netflix and I've been wanting to see it. I read the book and of course cried. I knew the movie would be sad but ultimately, I love watching the journey. Just as I know that, one day, losing my dogs will be the hardest things ever BUT I know that the journey is worth every minute. So, it was a great movie. Me and the dogs laid in bed, under our big comforter, watching the dog movie. Of course, I bawled and sobbed at the end...noisy, "ugly cry face" sobbing. And appropriately, as I was sobbing, Gus was laying on my stomach with his head on my chest comforting me. :) Simba didn't like the tears so he and Brian watched tv in the living room. :)

This weekend will be a semi-busy one. In the morning, I am walking in an Alzheimer's walk in SA with some friends and then we have TxSt football tomorrow evening. Sunday will be my Grey's Anatomy day and Brothers & Sisters starts back up too. I love fall! Football and all my shows = one happy girl :)
I want to leave you with a story that I found today on yahoo: http://arkansasvarsity.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=992976
This is an awesome story and I love anything that highlights the heart and plain awesome-ness of high school football.
Here's a picture of my first baby. I love it because it looks like he is smiling at me! Have a great weekend!
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