It was 5:15pm on Friday and I was still contemplating whether or not I reeeeally wanted to drive two hours to Waco to watch the Hachie game. At 5:25pm, I decide that, yes, I reeeally wanted to go. I needed to go. I missed my mom and my sister and my dad. I needed my HS football fix. I needed to see those Indians win. I just needed to be there. So, I committed 7 hours of my Friday night to high school football (4 hours driving and a 3 hour game). And it was well worth it. I got to be in my comfort zone. I got to see my real mom and my adopted moms. I got to see my sister and dad. It was just refreshing.
I took some pictures after the game since we were 10-0 District Champions and everyone was excited!:) It also has not escaped me that this is Coach Reese's last season coaching with my dad. Again, I don't know what either of them are going to do without the other. I know there won't be much change because the Reese's will still be around but it is just sad to see the end of an era :)
Anyway, on the way home from Waco, Darius Rucker's newer song was on and it made me think of these pictures and of the awesome time that I ALWAYS have with my coaching family. It is titled "History in the Making" and it is supposed to be a couple-ish song so I deleted the part about the first kiss :) but the lyrics to the chorus are pretty good.
"This could be one of those memories
We wanna hold to, cling to, the one we can't forget
What if this was that moment, that chance we're taking
History in the making"
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