I know - I've been a bad, bad blogger. Brian tells me this every night. "Why haven't you blogged?" "When are you gonna blog again?" "It's been ____ days since you've blogged!"
I know - I've been a very bad blogger. BUT (isn't there always a but) I just haven't felt like it. We were on spring break last week so I was not on my computer much and this week just started off with a bang and hasn't slowed down. AND I don't have many pictures to share since I hardly touched my camera as well. I am regretting that because we had a lot of fun over the break and saw family so there were certainly opportunities for pictures.
Here's a summary of the past 2 weeks:
We left San Marcos on Friday (the 5th) for Waxahachie. That was also Brian's last day of work at CVS. The job change worked out perfect because he gave his two weeks to CVS and didn't start at the University until the 15th. This allowed him to have a whole week off (for the first time since we've had "real" jobs) at the same time that I had spring break. We decided to take advantage of that week and go to Amarillo to visit my grandparents for a little bit and have some family time in Hachie.
We spent the weekend in Hachie and then drove to Amarillo on Sunday afternoon through rain! It was a fun trip - our first in the new car and we enjoyed it. We tried out the XM comedy channels - pretty good for a long trip. It gave us some variety. The dogs also went with us and enjoyed their space in the very back. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Gus - every few hours we would see his little head pop up and he would just lay it on the headrest, begging to come sit with us. Pitiful but they did so good on the 6 hour trip. We spent 3 days in Amarillo and enjoyed every minute. I have a funny muddin' story to tell you but that will be in my next post :) We did a lot of sleeping - I think we napped every day - and a lot of eating. We loved spending time with my grandparents and it's always so relaxing to go up there. I am so looking forward to being there in May for our South Dakota trip. Here are some pictures from our trip. We love doing puzzles at Nonnie's and we finished this one up in two days! And the other picture is our old house in Amarillo. We drove by it so I could show Brian where we lived.

We came back to Hachie on Wednesday and got to have family time the rest of the week. Mom and I got pedicures on Thursday, went to the Big Green relays on Friday. Mom taught me how to drive a stick since she just got her new car - a Nissan Z. Here's a picture of it:
She got that same color - black cherry - and it is a nice car. It has navigation and XM. So I learned how to drive a stick shift in this nice little booger. I was so nervous! And every time the car lurched (because I wasn't that great at first), my stomach lurched. Once I got the hang of it though, it was fun. We drove with the top down to the school but it was so windy that we couldn't do it all the time.
On Friday, my cousin and her family came down to Dallas for some wedding shopping - she's getting married in June! So on Saturday, the five of us packed up and went to Grapevine for some shopping, movie watching and eating. We so enjoyed seeing them and had a great time visiting. My mom always enjoys getting to see her brother.
We came back to San Marcos on Sunday, early enough to get things sorted out at the house and get laundry done. It was a great and relaxing spring break. Exactly what we both needed!
On Monday, Brian started his new job:
This was one happy Texas State employee! :) He was so excited - he had orientation for the first part of the morning and then we had lunch together. He text me later in the day saying that he had his own big desk and the phone had only rang once! He is so used to the phone ringing off the hook at the pharmacy so it was nice to have peace and quiet. While he knows it will get busy, it's nice to start out when it's slow and quiet. He is the only male in the office but he likes it and today they are having some kind of party so they are bringing in food and having some fun. It is just so nice that he has a place now that he truly enjoys. He really liked working at CVS but this job provides more opportunity AND weekends off! We know that we are truly blessed and very thankful!
Today, Laurie and I are hosting a baby shower for our good friend Jackie. I'm excited since this is my first shower to host. It's at a local restaurant and we are having some good food and drinks - nonalcoholic for the mommy! I will definitely have pictures up of that this week. I made a diaper cake and LOVE the way it looks so I'll get some of that too.
Well, that was enough for one day. Hopefully got you caught up on our (not-so) exciting and blessed life! I promise to post about the baby shower and my funny muddin' with the g-parents story :)
Much Love