Wednesday, March 31, 2010

26 isn't so bad

Well, I made it. I'm 26 years old. And my chest isn't so tight anymore :)

Mom came down for the day to have lunch and do some shopping. I had an awesome day - even if she did bring cake and make my co-workers sing to me. What are mom's for if not to still embarrass you even when you are 26.

I got emails, texts, facebook comments, phone calls and visits with awesome birthday wishes. It made me happy. I even had student-athletes sing happy birthday on speaker phone to me. They are too funny but worth every gray hair they give me. :)

It was a fun day. I am sunburned (cause we sat outside for lunch at the river pub) and wind blown (top down on the Z). I thoroughly enjoyed my day and am glad I got to spend some time with mom doing what we do best.

I haven't downloaded the few pictures that I took today but I will get them up. Right now, I'm going to sleep because I'm exhausted. And yes, it's only 9 o'clock but I'm old now so I can do that, right? :)


  1. I turned 27 yesterday! 27 isn't TOO bad either! :)

  2. Glad to hear that! :) And Happy Birthday!
