Well, I said I was going to revive the blog to give you pregnancy updates and I haven't done a great job. There has been a lot going on around the Solis' household, not just the pregnancy news. I'm going to make this a bullet point post just to cover everything up to this point. Once I actually get a belly, I am going to try to post weekly pictures for updates. Right now, it is just fat. :)
- On May 9th, I started a new job on campus. I am still with the athletics department but I'm only doing financial aid & scholarships, which is a nice change of pace. I moved buildings so I am just a floor above Brian. I don't know if he loves that yet but we are working on it :)
- We will be closing on our house this month. I am ready to move. I hate being in transition. There are boxes EVERYWHERE at our house and it is just a mess, really. I'm ready to get settled into the new place.
Baby stuff:
- I've had several appointments since my last post. On my birthday, March 31st, we got to see the first ultrasound. It was pretty awesome. After that, we went home to tell our parents. They were all ecstatic.
- Two weeks later, I had a doctor's appointment for blood work but we actually had to go in earlier. I woke up that morning bleeding and was obviously really scared. BUT everything was fine. When we heard the heartbeat and saw the little tadpole, we were pretty emotional. It was a scary couple of hours. The doctor told me I couldn't do my workout classes anymore, only walking and yoga. So I continued those until the end of the semester.
- We kept the secret from everyone until week 11. At that point, I told co-workers and Brian took pink and blue cupcakes to the girls in his office to tell them.
- I went back for my 12 week appointment and finger prick. We didn't get great pictures of the baby but got to see it moving around quite a bit. I go back in a month for more blood work and hopefully an educated guess on the sex of the baby.
My symptoms:
- I started out just being nauseous in the mornings but then fine the rest of the day.
- That changes to be sick most of the morning and then fine in the afternoon.
- I told Brian when I woke up on Saturday (5/14), which was the end of the 1st trimester, I expected to not be sick anymore.
- However, it just changes time of day. Now, I can't even eat dinner without getting sick. Last night, I had french fries because it was the only thing I thought I could eat without tossing it right back up.
- So I'm still waiting on the sickness to go away. :)
Other than that, everything is about the same. I'm obviously much more tired so I go home everyday and at least lay down for a bit, if I don't take a nap. I haven't been walking as much as I would like because of the evening sickness. It demolished my motivation to get out and walk. I'm hoping once we move that I can get into the community pool a couple times a week.
I've moved into maternity jeans. Everything else still fits. Except my swimsuits. :) I had an emotional moment in the middle of JCP about not finding a swimsuit for my whale of a body. I ended up finding a super cute swimsuit online at Old Navy and it was 40% off. So I got two tops and a bottom that coordinate. That should last me through the summer.
I'll leave you with a 3-D of the tadpole/alien/it. This was at the 10 week appointment so it has obviously gotten bigger since. This is just the only picture I have on my computer.

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