I think i already have a post with this title. However, it really applies to today. I have been waiting for Friday for at least 4 days :) My plan for the weekend: doing absolutely nothing. I guess with the small exception of laundry, tivo-ed shows and eating.
I went to the eye doctor today. Lately, I've been having to squint to see the tv menu (important things in life!) and when I go to volleyball games, for example, the faces of the kids on the court are blurry. As most of you know, I had lasik eye surgery when I finished college in 2006. The eye dr. today prescribed glasses for extracurricular use :) That's what I call it anyway. I can make it without them but it is just becoming more uncomfortable and irritating. I refuse to go back to contacts so if it gets that bad, I will go for the surgery again. It's worth it! Oh, and P.S. glasses are expensive.
I also made an appointment with my regular doctor. Although it is of no concern to some of you, I have been having sharp pains under my rib cage for about a week. It has gradually gotten to be a sharper, consistent pain. Mom and I seem to think it may be my gallbladder so I will be going on Monday to check it out. If the pain gets as bad as it did last night, though, I will be visiting the ER. Although, as the daughter of a nurse, I despise the ER process and I despise that I have a much higher ER co-pay for my insurance. I will try to tough it out until Monday. Note to my doctor (who we all know doesn't read this): You should really take appointments on Friday afternoons. It would have solved my problem today :) Thanks.
On a happier note, I have been thinking lately about things to blog about as this is sometimes the reason that I don't blog - I don't have much to say (surprise! I know). But I wanted to share with you how much I love living out in the country, with the exception of poor cell service. Every morning (& usually afternoon), I get to see this:
Okay, maybe not this close but there are people who live down the street that have deer. I don't like to call them "pet deer" because they don't have leashes and they graze on their land pretty freely but there is certainly a fence around the property. I LOVE THEM! :) They make my morning. I especially love when momma deer have babies. The people, I guess after the babies are born, let the mom and babies be in the "front" yard for a while and the little babies can barely walk. They are the cutest things EVER. Sometimes, I just pull over and watch them. Brian makes extreme fun of me with my high pitched "Oh, look at the babies!" but they do truly make my day. They are such beatiful creatures.
I also get to see this:
Baby goats look just like puppies when they are romping around in the grass. :)
Anyway, I love living out in the country for many reasons but this is up there on the list. They are crazy cute and make my morning.
Good Luck to Hachie tonight! They have a tough remaining schedule and I have high hopes (are you singing that now?) that they will make it through with 3 more "W"s.