This summer was so very completely dry and miserable. The pond by our house has all but dried up which makes me sad because we have these geese that come hang out and I'm afraid they will have to leave. And then fall comes to Texas. And it rains and rains and rains - which I am very thankful for. But I would like for it to cool off when it rains, otherwise, it's just plain humid and my hair is a mess! :)
The forcast for San Marcos was rain from last Saturday all the way through this coming Saturday. However, it did not slow us down this weekend. Brian's parents came down to stay with us this weekend. Unfortunately, Brian had to work :(
Friday, we went to a mexican food place that we have never tried: The Palm II cafe. It was delicious - probably my new fave. cheap & yummy = happy girl!
Saturday, we went to Wimberley. The rain was supposed to hold off until the afternoon but it started at 7:30am. I only know this because I was up with the dogs at that time - I do not wake up that early on Saturdays :) We headed to Wimberley in the rain and checked out some of the shops. I got the cutest bracelet (part of the proceeds went to a charity in Korea) and necklace from one of the shops. I also found the perfect Christmas present but it has to be ordered. I will have to share once Christmas is over - it is so perfect!

Anyway, we had lunch at the Wimberley Cafe, a cute little joint in the middle of town. I had the reuben and sweet potato fries (my fave!). Then we went to Trade Days. It was only sprinkling at that point so it wasn't bad to walk in. We made a quick trip through and of course the first booth that we stop at, I buy something. Cutest thing ever - a name frame:

They have all kinds of pictures of things in nature and in the streets that look like letters. Then you get to pick your letters. I spelled out our last name, Solis, and they frame it for you. The last slot is going to be a black and white of us, maybe a wedding picture. Too cute, huh? That's all I bought. My MIL bought a floating pot holder thing for her porch and we got out of there. We so enjoy having them down. It gets rid of some of the home-sickness that we sometimes get. I'm trying to talk my mom into coming down for November's trade days. Hopefully it won't be raining then and I can do some serious shopping :)
Oh, almost forgot: HOW BOUT THOSE NDNS!?! They beat Ennis on Friday night - our big rival. As I told a friend, I don't care how bad Ennis gets, it still feels so good to beat them! I will get to be at the Homecoming game in a couple of weeks. That is also Brian's 10-year reunion so he is excited as well. My mom and sister will be traveling to Oklahoma this week so I will hopefully have internet at the hotel in SF to get updates on the radio.
I left you with love from the boys last week so here's some from Jaz (even though she looks a little scary/alien-ish and not very loving):

~*~COUNTDOWN TO SF: 3 days!~*~
haha, her face in that picture is v. creeeeepy :)