What a great weekend!
Those Hachie NDNS won AGAIN! :)
Texas State Bobcats won on the road!
And our Texas Longhorns pulled off a win over OU!
Brian and I were in Hachie this weekend for Brian's 10 year reunion. I ended up not going to the dinner in exchange for shopping :) It's what I do best! We had a great time. I got to spend time with my mom and sister and Brian had so much fun at the reunion. We also went to the homecoming parade on Friday. There are pictures below:
Here is Dad waving at us from the football float
This huge monster truck was in the parade - pulling the golf team
Brian, Roger & Christy talking at the Pub
Nothing much else going on here. We got new phones today (same numbers) and I love them! We got the Palm Pre with Sprint and it's fabulous, so far :)
This week is just full of work, work, work and then Brian works this weekend :( I will be catching up on Tivo-ed shows since I'm backlogged by about 2-3 weeks from the San Fran trip.
Which by the way, I am going to try to put together a book of that trip. We'll see how that goes. I will get it started if I ever go get the pictures printed out :) I barely have enough time to blog, much less print pictures and put together a scrapbook :) However, it was a great time and I want something to put all of our memories in.
I will try really hard to get back to my daily blogging routine. I have missed it but honestly, haven't found the time to sit and chat - it would really just be about work anyway! That's all I've been doing! :)
Much Love!
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