Sunday, December 13, 2009

Every time a bell rings...

an angel gets its wings!

I watched 'It's a Wonderful Life' last night. I LOVELOVELOVE that movie. It is, by far, my favorite Christmas movie. I can always go for a little "Miracle on 34th St." but Bedford Falls & George are my fave. And it's usually only on once or twice during the Christmas season. Brian has never seen it before but I hope that my kids enjoy it one day as much as I do. It's because of my mom that I love it so much. I remember watching it with the fam every Christmas. Even my dad can quote some lines from that movie :)

Brian likes "A Christmas Story". It is a good/cute movie but definitely not at the top of my list. Maybe it is because they play is ALL THE TIME! I mean, there are so many good Christmas movies that could share that play time and they choose to put on "A Christmas Story" for 24 flippin hours!

Anyway, thought that was a good topic since so many of the channels are showing Christmas movies. I always love ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas. They have some great original holiday movies. And of course, no one can forget "Elf". This is for sure my favorite 'new' Christmas movie. "Smiling's my favorite!"

We have had a pretty lazy weekend - much needed. On Saturday, we woke up around 10am, did some laundry, dishes and Brian fixed breakfast. After that, like a couple of teenagers, we went back to bed until around 2pm. How lazy are we!? But it felt so good!! Let me tell you - when Brian and I talk about having kids, sleep is one of the few things that holds us back from making that committment. We are sooo not ready to give up our sleep and lazy time yet! Once we got up, we went out to do some Christmas shopping and got a big bulk of it done! This makes me happy cause as most of you know, I'm an organization freak. I like to have things planned out and then get it all done, bought & wrapped. We only have a few things left and I, of course, haven't even started buying for Brian.

Today, we slept in some (after staying up until 1am!). Brian went to get us Starbucks and and we planned our meals for the week so that I could go grocery shopping. It was a quick trip and I spent most of the afternoon baking. I had promised Brian chocolate chip cookies weeks ago and I finally made them today. I also made cake cookies for our work Christmas festivities tomorrow. I will have to post that recipe later too. They are so yum! I also pre-chopped everything for Kathleen Brady's famous taco salad that I'm also taking to work tomorrow. I LOVE it and I thought it would be something different. I usually take my veggie bites but I am worn out on those.

We also wrapped some presents tonight so that our tree doesn't look so bare. Hopefully the dogs won't think they are toys :)

It has been a great, relaxing weekend. I haven't been feeling 100% - I think it's just either allergies or a small cold cause my throat and ears have been hurting - so it has been great just to relax. I only have one more week of work before my two week winter break. It will be a busy week but the two weeks off will be worth it. I have been looking for ideas of things to do over the break since Brian will be working. I'm afraid after the first day or two of pure laziness, I will get bored! :)

Well, I guess that's enough about our weekend. Tomorrow is Monday Night Football and while pro football isn't my #1, the 49ers are playing and you know that I married into that following. Tomorrow, I will post some pics of our San Francisco trip for you to get excited about the Niner game :)

Much Love,


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