Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Oh Winter Break, how I love thee!

Well, as promised, there hasn't been much going on around here with winter break and all. Brian is still having to work which sucks because that leads to some major boredom for me - although it hasn't quite hit yet.

Yesterday, Brian didn't work until noon so we slept in a little and then he had to get ready for work. So I got up and went in to the office for a little bit too. I got quite a few things done - which always happens when there is no one there to interrupt me - and then started some Christmas shopping. Yes, I said started. Brian and I have completed shopping for everyone else as of Saturday. However, I hadn't even started shopping for Brian. I had to make two trips to Target, two to Sam's and one to Wal-mart just to find half of what I was getting him! So after that, I was pooped. Plus I need to start dinner. We had carne guisada, always yummy, but it takes me a good hour to get everything chopped and sauteed in order to put it in the oven for 2 hours.

Today, it's embarrassing to admit, I got out of bed at 11am. I woke up a couple of times in between but boy, it felt good to sleep that late cuddled up with the pups. Anyway, we got up and went for a nice walk/run in the field. It was warm and humid today and super windy. After that I got a shower and lunch and headed out to finish my Brian shopping. I did get that done today plus some stocking stuffers and some books for my nephew (I figure I can say that on here since he can't read - which sounds funny since I got him books but they are sound books :).

On that note, I love books. I could stay in a bookstore for HOURS! Today, I could have sat in the kids section for HOURS! I told Brian today that I really hope that our kids love to read as much as me and their Aunt B do. Ali and I grew up reading and I still love that I love books so much.

In another note, I got my Pioneer Woman cookbook today. I had to admit to Brian that I cheated and purchased an early Christmas present for myself. But I couldn't resist. And I already love it. It has some great recipes that work for anyone and I think I can at least try most of them :) It's good Southern food and I also appreciate that. I'm excited to start on some of the recipes, maybe when we get back from Waxahachie.

That's about all that has been done on my first two days of winter break. Tomorrow, I plan to go see Blideside (yes, by myself) and one day of the break, go get a pedicure. The dogs need a bath too - they have to smell good for the grandparents. And when we get back, I really am going to get on that scrapbook thing. I just need a plan for it.

I'll post again when something crazy and exciting happens - or just at some point this week :)

Much Love,


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