Oh, Andrew,
You are 3 months old now and I cannot believe it's been that long since we brought you home from the hospital. Three months doesn't seem like that long but I feel like it was last week when you were swimming in your preemie clothes and were only 6 lbs!
If I had to guess, I think you are around 12 lbs now. We won't know until we go for your four month appointment since mommy doesn't keep a scale in the house.
You are still in size one diapers but that belly is getting bigger and hanging over your diaper more and more.
You are a good eater and still eat pretty much every three hours except at night.
You've been sleeping through the night for awhile. At least, I consider it sleeping through the night. You go to bed around 8pm and wake up once, around 4am. Then you are up for the day around 6:30am.
You take 3-4 naps a day and love napping in your swing.
You are such a happy baby in the mornings and you love to talk to us while we get ready in the morning.
You have been at daycare for a couple of weeks now and you love your teachers. You just smile at them when we drop you off. I think you like to flirt with Ms. Laura. I love your teachers too and that makes it easier to drop you off everyday. You are so excited to see me when I pick you up too.
You are just an all around happy baby. You really only cry when you are hungry, tired or wet. Otherwise, you are at the stage where you smile at everything and are starting to laugh. You love your jumper and to sit up and look around.
We love you so much and still look at you daily with disbelief that you are ours. Your daddy is so in love with you and it makes my heart happy to hear him talk to "his son". You light up when you see us and I'm pretty sure we do that same! :) We have loved watching you grow and get a little personality and it only makes me more excited to see what you have in store for us!