This is Andrew's "Peyton, please come play for the 49ers" outfit today :)
We worked on the yard today and as we were finishing up, I brought Andrew out to do a little shoot for his FOUR MONTH BIRTHDAY! Can you believe it?! I say this every month but it seems like we just came home from the hospital with him. But he has fit right into our little routine and our little family just like he has always been here.
We got him a bumbo this weekend since he seems to love the one at daycare. They say it's his LaZboy because he just reclines back in it and hangs out. :) He loves to just sit and watch what is going on.
Oh Andrew, your personality is growing more with every day. Daddy has been able to get you laugh for awhile but now you will laugh for other people. Today, I got you to laugh by bouncing you on the bed. You have the cutest, open-mouthed laugh ever. You are still a calm and content baby, only crying when you are hungry or tired.
You sleep through the night sometimes. If you wake up, it is usually only once, around 2am, to eat and then you are back to sleep. You are still really snotty from your cold so sometimes you have been waking up with coughing fits and I have to suction the snot out of you, literally :)
(What a cool kid! We got you sunglasses this weekend while at the outlets for our sunny walks)
You are still in size 1 diapers and you are in all 0-3/3 mo clothes. There are a couple of 3-6 mo that you can fit into but they are still pretty roomy. I went to a consignment sale this week and got you some rompers for daycare. All of your 0-3 mo clothes are cold-weather clothes and you are so hot-natured that you can't really wear any of it. Most days now you go to daycare in a onesie and socks.

I don't know what your stats are because your 4 month appointment isn't until Monday but I would guess you are probably still around 12 lbs but I know you have grown longer. When we got your jumperoo, your feet were still really far off the ground. Now, your little toes can touch the floor and you can push off a little bit. I'll come back and update stats after your appointment.
*Update: We got your stats today at your doctor's appointment. You are 12 lbs 15 oz (13%), 22.5 inches long (1%). Your head circumference is 16 inches (13%). You are a tiny boy, that's for sure. The doctor wasn't worried about your 1 percentile of length - I figure you are just going to be a shorty like everyone else in your family. :)
Drewbie (yes, I still call you that) - you are such a happy little baby and we couldn't love you more. Your dad constantly tells me about your little smiles and laughs and ends the comment with "I love that kid". We love watching you grow and discover new things - it's just as fun for us. We love you so much and are so blessed to have you as our little boy!