Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th - Two Months Old

Oh Drewbs, you are two months old now. You are growing so much! 
This picture makes you look like a little old man. 
At two months, you are now giving us smiles all.the.time. and I love it!
You are recognizing me and your dad and you can finally see things at a further distance. 
We got you a jumperoo since you love sitting up and checking things out. You have such good head control and you love it. You can't reach the ground yet but you like to play with one of the toys on there. 
You will start daycare in two weeks and I am excited for you. I've been working a lot from home so I think it will be good for both of us when we get into that new routine. But for now, I love being at home with you. It has been a relaxing joy. 
You did so good with your two month shots. You cried for a minute and then fell asleep and pretty much slept all day. It was funny because you were just smiling at the nurse and then she stuck you with those needles. You looked so betrayed :) 
I don't have your stats on hand but I will update with those soon.

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