Monday, September 24, 2012


I usually have great, dress-in-semi-cute clothes pictures for his monthly birthdays. This month, I failed. 
 It was a busy week and this sweet boy was also having tubes in his ears. I knew the 17th was his monthly birthday and had thought that the previous weekend but then when the day came, I totally forgot. 
 Until we got home, after work and daycare. 
 With our stained clothes and worn out from all the playing. 
 But it didn't matter. He is still my super cute, all-over-the-place, wild, loving, sweet boy! And he is TEN MONTHS OLD! That means we only have two more months until the big ONE! 
 I know everybody says it but it seems like yesterday that we were leaving the hospital on a football Friday night with our screaming little boy. 
 And now look at him. 17.5 pounds (yes, still small) and 26 inches. He's still in size 3 diapers and 6-9 month clothes. Most of the 9 month clothes are still a little big. 
 He's eating solid food now. No more purees. Mostly, he loves cheese. He eats things like cheese ravioli, pieces of cheese, blueberries, yogurt, applesauce, carrots, sweet potatoes, goldfish, bits of different fruits, mac & cheese and he loves black beans. He will eat pretty much anything but meat. I have tried to introduce chicken multiple times with little success. 
 He is still taking 3-4 bottles a day and usually wakes up once at night for a bottle. He is loving daycare and is almost the oldest boy in the classroom. His teachers want him to not walk for awhile so they can keep him longer :) but he is on the move with his walking toys. He also loves to rearrange the kitchen chairs. 
This boy is into everything and just does not stop. I have a daily struggle between wanting to say "NO" on a continuous basis to keep him safe from everything and wanting to foster his curiosity and help his little brain learn. He is such a smart little boy and I've found myself saying that it's okay for him to play in the water of the dog bowl. I mean, who's he hurting? :) (I don't let that happen often - too much mess!)

He is learning so much from daycare. He came home on Wednesday and started clapping. I was in shock. They clap a lot at daycare but it was just so fun for him to start doing it all of sudden. So now we do lots of clapping :) 

He is just so much fun right now. We enjoy him everyday and make it a point to spend as much time as possible with him when we get home from work. I love to watch his active little self. And I love to watch him and Brian play. He is all boy but still so sweet. He has started saying 'ma-ma-ma-ma...'. Oh, he is has my heart! 

Happy monthly birthday sweet boy! You bring us so, so much joy and we know how blessed we are to have you. 

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