Thursday, March 7, 2013

Catch Up

This was last week - being lazy at the table with his bottle. :)

Andrew has been such a little cuddle bug with me lately and I have to tell you, I've been soaking it up. He is such an independent little toot (which I love about him!) but I do love when he wants his momma too. 

For the past few days, he has just wanted his momma. After dinner the other night, he just sat in my lap at the table and kept squeezing my neck with hugs. He has been giving me kisses whenever I request, which is a big deal for him and I taught him how to give "nose kisses" (some people call them butterfly kisses or eskimo kisses) and he loves those. He's also been clingy when we go to daycare. He's not unhappy about being at daycare - he definitely gets excited when we go inside - but he wants me to stay and play :) So I oblige. I play for a few minutes and let him show me toys and then I quietly sneak out when he runs around with the other boys. The other day we were running late because he really wanted to be held while I was in the middle of drying my hair. He wrapped his tiny little arms around my leg and squeezed. So, again, I obliged. I held him and we talked and then he ran off to play. 

I know - lots of details - but I LOVE those things. And I cherish every moment of it because one day he won't wrap his little arms around my legs and squeeze or he'll be too old for me to just pick up. And I'm going to miss this stuff. But I sure to want to soak it in now. Love it!

(This was Brian's prescription area on our counter last week. He was diagnosed with a cold and ear infection enhanced by his terrible asthma. So he had a ton of prescriptions and is finally feeling better.)

My sister was down last weekend and we had a birthday party to attend for a little girl that Andrew goes to daycare with. It was at a jumpy place and he loved it. I was a little concerned before we decided to go to the party that the place was a little too much for his age. But there was certainly age appropriate things for him to do. He loved this slide and the whole toy that he could climb up and walk around. I think when he is a little bit older, he would like it more - he didn't love the actual bounce houses. But it was a good time. 

We had a good weekend with Ali. Andrew loves his Aunt B but he really loves Desi the dog. They are such buddies and I really need to get video of them. It's too cute!

Playing outside one day. I keep saying he looks like dad with that little belly protruding above his pants :) haha

We are working on the house next week during spring break. I'm so excited about a little break and spending time with both sets of parents and just hanging out with my clingy little boy :) We are painting the living room and kitchen and I ordered, today, some of our family pictures for some decorating activities. 

It will be an exciting week! I also have been cooking some Pinterest recipes this week so I will have to share some of those. They have all been pretty successful so I have some new stuff to add to the rotation. 

I've got some other pictures and video to share so I will get those loaded this weekend. My new phone is great because I can load them directly to my blog - however, I keep forgetting to get online and actually post the blogs! 

Have a great weekend!

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