Saturday, May 26, 2012

SIX Months Old - June 17th

As I say every month, I CANNOT believe I have a SIX MONTH OLD! He is getting so big and doing so many new things all.the.time. I cannot imagine what he will be doing in the next few months too. 

Unfortunately, I was out in California on the six month big day. I was out for a conference and Brian came out too. We went to Disneyland and really had a great time. But I missed this little dude like crazy. Brian and I spent one night going through our Facebook pictures of him going "Remember this...remember that..." :)
My mom sent me a picture on the 17th of Andrew sitting up all by himself for the first time! Daycare had really been working with him on it so I knew it would be soon but I was so surprised :) And proud!
Love that face! 
And here he is slapping that hand on his thigh and I'm sure hollering something. haha
Here are some fun facts for this month: 

  • Still in size 2 diapers
  • Had his first ear infection (a double one, at that!)
  • Sits up by himself
  • Started some purees but he's really not a big fan (whole other post)
  • Finally moved to 3-6 month clothing, although they are still a little big
  • Mommy and Daddy stayed away for the first time (Christy's wedding in Corpus)
  • 14.5 lbs (13%)
  • 24 inches (.35% - yes, you read that correctly. I have a short kid. Surprised?)
  • 32 inch diameter of his head (35%)

And the biggest one is that he has cut two bottom teeth! This happened at 6 mo, 1 week but I was so surprised. He has been drooling like crazy for two+ months. Lately, it hasn't been as bad. But the other night, I was feeling his bottom gum and felt one tooth. Then two days later when I picked him up from daycare, they said there was another one coming in. Everybody asks if he is cranky or crying a lot - and he isn't, which is great. He woke up crying that first night, before we knew about the tooth, but he went right back to sleep. I'm so excited for the teeth but it is bittersweet to know I'm losing that gummy baby. 
Luckily, we have a ton of pictures with that gummy smile!
He is still small for his age but I feel like he is so much bigger than last month. He was sleeping on the couch one evening and Brian said "when did he get that big?" I think that expresses how I feel every time I slow down and just soak it in. I know I will feel this way for a long time to come but it sure does make me appreciate every.single.moment. 
Andrew - you are such a sweet, little blessing to us. We fall in love with you more everyday, which we think is impossible. You make us laugh all the time with your little personality, which grows all the time too. My favorite thing right now is that you are just enamored with your daddy. If I'm holding you, you will look at him and wait for him to look back. When he does, you get the best little grin on your face and it makes you so happy. You are also laughing so much lately and that brings so much joy to the entire family. Everyone loves being around you because you are such a happy, content baby and you love people-watching as much as your momma. We love watching you grow everyday but don't grow too fast. We need time to savor every moment with you. We love you so much!

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