Thursday, December 3, 2009


I know, I know...I promised a new post with pictures yesterday BUT either my computer or Blogger didn't like my pictures because they would not load onto my post. Soooo, you are getting a new post today.

Here are a couple of pictures from the last play-off game vs. HP. This is our family, Bennie & Judy and a pretty great family that we have known since our days in Texarkana, the Duncans. Mack, Becky & Stacie all came to the game and we were so excited to see them. It has been years but they were such good friends to us in Texarkana. Mack used to ask me who I was "plus-ing" as in Kelsey + ________. He was so funny! :) Anyway, good picture of the group.

And here is one of the pub group. It's a little pixel-y because I didn't have the flash on but still cute.

On Wednesday of last week, we had a department Thanksgiving lunch. Basically, we have to be at work on that Wednesday before Thanksgiving even though the kids aren't around and nothing gets done. So we all bring food (I brough 7-layer dip and veggie bites) and eat then leave early :) This little party turned to Christmas fast. We did a video of all of us singing Christmas music to put on the website - I'll be sure to let you know when it's up. Maybe you'll get to see me singing Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer or Jingle Bells :) The picture below is of Amber "remixing" Jingle Bells - "Come on ride that sleigh" :)

Me & Amber after stuffing our faces

Sean and John

So that's an update of the last week and weekend in pictures. Boo on me for not taking any Thanksgiving pictures at Dawn's - I guess I was too focused on the food and then resting, I didn't even think about it!

Not too much else going on around here. I am working a HS game at our stadium tomorrow night in the 34 degree + snow weather. BUT it's Lake Travis and Alamo Heights so it should be good. I will be driving to Hachie on Saturday morning for the game that night.

I'm also looking at buying a netbook (below) but I am still researching to see if it's really what I want. It's a mini laptop and I think it's cute but I'm wanting to know the functionality of it. Brian and I are FINALLY getting internet back at the house today actually. We have a laptop that we've had for a few years but I really like the netbooks because they are so small and portable. Also, I don't need to do much on it - just blog, internet, pictures. We'll see - it will be a few months before I actually make a committment but I am trying to see what the pros and cons are about them. It's hard to get user feedback because not too many people have them that I know. But that's what's great about the internet, I suppose :)

Whatcha think?

It's supposed to snow here tomorrow so I may have snow pictures up tomorrow -we'll see :)

Much love!

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